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Medical tourism

Basic information about the medical organization 

The state budgetary institution of the Ryazan region «Regional clinical hospital» (OKB) – the leading multidisciplinary medical institution of the Ryazan region, with a capacity of 988 beds (910 beds around the clock and 80 beds day hospital). The hospital was commissioned in 1982. The hospital consists of 40 departments, 24 of which are clinical, regional clinical consulting polyclinic and city polyclinic, serving annually 36 thousand people. population. In 2018, almost 31 000 thousand patients were treated in the SBU RO «OKB», about 14.8 thousand operations are performed, more than 1.6 thousand of which are high-tech. 

Price-list of medical services 
Algorithm of applying to a medical organization for a foreign patient 

Contact information
3-a  International st, Ryazan 390039,

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